Computational Design of Metamaterials

On August 14, 2024, the local scientific community had the opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of metamaterials. The seminar "Computational Design of Metamaterials", organized by the Institute of Modeling and Technological Innovation, offered an in-depth look at the advances in this area of ​​engineering.

Diseño Computacional de Metamateriales. Dr. Juan Podestá.

With two participation modalities, in-person and virtual, the event managed to bring together an audience interested in learning about the latest trends in the design of materials with unique properties.
The meeting took place in the Biological Physics Classroom of the Faculty of Exact, Natural Sciences and Surveying, and was possible in a hybrid way through the Google Meet platform.

Metamaterials: beyond the conventional.
Engineer Juan Manuel Podesta, Civil Engineer and Doctor in Engineering, was in charge of guiding the participants through this exciting topic. During his presentation, the researcher highlighted the fundamental role played by 3D printing technology in the development of metamaterials, compounds with microarchitectures specially designed to obtain mechanical and physical properties not found in natural materials.
One of the central points of the seminar was the exploration of metamaterials that experience elastic phase transitions. These materials, when subjected to loads, can change their configuration in a stable and repeatable manner, dissipating energy efficiently. Podesta presented new topological designs in which the phase transition occurs at a volumetric level, opening up new possibilities in the field of engineering.

A promising future
Metamaterials with the characteristics described have enormous potential in various applications, from civil engineering to biomedicine. Their ability to absorb energy and adapt to different conditions makes them ideal materials for the manufacture of more resistant and efficient structures.
The seminar "Computational Design of Metamaterials" is positioned as a milestone in local scientific dissemination, demonstrating the growing interest in cutting-edge topics and the importance of collaboration between researchers and the community in general.