
Lines of investigation

Research project "Analysis of the effect of wind in light structures by means of wind tunnel tests with reduced models of bridge boards, reticulated metallic towers and antennas". Director: Mario E. De Bortoli. Co-director: Jorge Marighetti.

Research project "Aerodynamic study of environmental problems related to Wind Engineering." Director: Adrián R. Wittwer. Co-director: Acir M. Loredo-Souza (UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil).

Studies and Experiences related to Wind Energy: within the framework of the STROMA Project - Simulation of the planetary boundary layer stratified in wind tunnel in the presence of wind turbines - Joint project coordinated by Prof. Gervásio Anes Degrazzia, (Federal University of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil). Participant: Adrián R. Wittwer (National University of the Northeast).