Theory of localization-hindered thermalization in nonlinear multimode photonicsCommunications Physics. Nature Research | RAMOS, ALBA Y.; SHI, CHENG; FERNÁNDEZ-ALCÁZAR, LUCAS J.; CHRISTODOULIDES, DEMETRIOS N.; KOTTOS, TSAMPIKOS. | 2023 |
The solute polarization and structural effects on the nonlinear optical response of based chromone molecules. WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH | DOS SANTOS, NEIDY S.S.; DA CUNHA, ANTONIO R.; CANUTO, SYLVIO; PROVASI, PATRICIO FEDERICO; ANDRADE-FILHO, TARCISO; GESTER, RODRIGO | 2023 |
The scaling law of the arrival time of spin systems that present pretty good transmission. IOP PUBLISHING LTD | SERRA, PABLO; FERRÓN, ALEJANDRO; OSENDA, OMAR; SERRA, PABLO; FERRÓN, ALEJANDRO; OSENDA, OMAR | 2023 |
The Importance of the Density Functional Theory Exchange–Correlation Hartree–Fock Term in Magnetic Resonance: Application to an Aqueous Environment. AMER CHEMICAL SOC | PATRICIO F. PROVASI; LUCAS MODESTO-COSTA; FELIPE SAMPAIO; TÉRCIO SILVA; ANTÔNIO R. DA CUNHA; TARCISO ANDRADE-FILHO; RODRIGO M. GESTER | 2023 |
Role of the Solvent and Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds in the Antioxidative Mechanism of Prenylisoflavone from Leaves of Vatairea guianensis. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. American Chemical Society | SÁVIO FONSECA; NEIDY S. S. DOS SANTOS; ALBERTO TORRES; MARCELO SIQUEIRA; ANTÔNIO DA CUNHA; VINÍCIUS MANZONI; PATRICIO F. PROVASI; RODRIGO M. GESTER; SYLVIO CANUTO | 2023 |
Relativistic quantum calculations to understand the contribution of f-type atomic orbitals and chemical bonding of actinides with organic ligands. ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY | ZAPATA-ESCOBAR, ANDY D.; PAKHIRA, SRIMANTA; BARROSO-FLORES, JOAQUIN; AUCAR, GUSTAVO A.; MENDOZA-CORTES, JOSE L | 2023 |
Probing many-body effects in harmonic traps with twisted light. AMER PHYSICAL SOC | JOHANNA FUKS; QUINTEIRO ROSEN, GUILLERMO F.; APPEL, H; P. I. TAMBORENEA | 2023 |
Prevalencia de microrganismos peridontopatógenos y su relación con niveles de control glucémico en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2. Revista de la Fundación Carraro. Fundación Carraro | DRA SILVIA ORTEGA; DRA SANDRA KENDROS; OD CYNTHYA SIN; BQCA MARIA BRITOS | 2023 |
Optimizing tip-surface interactions in ESR-STM experiments. Physical Review B. American Physical Society | RODRÍGUEZ, S. A.; GÓMEZ, S. S.; FERNÁNDEZ-ROSSIER, J.; FERRÓN, A.; RODRÍGUEZ, S. A.; GÓMEZ, S. S.; FERNÁNDEZ-ROSSIER, J.; FERRÓN, A | 2023 |
Optimal parameters related with continuity properties of the multilinear fractional integral operator between Lebesgue and Lipschitz spaces. Positivity. Birkhauser | FABIO BERRA; GLADIS PRADOLINI; WILFREDO RAMOS | 2023 |
On the importance of the longitudinal component of paraxial optical vortices in the interaction with atoms. OPTICAL SOC AMER | G. QUINTEIRO ROSEN | 2023 |
On Error-Based Step Size Control for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Compressible Fluid Dynamics. Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation. Springer | RANOCHA, HENDRIK; WINTERS, ANDREW R.; CASTRO, HUGO GUILLERMO; DALCIN, LISANDRO; SCHLOTTKE-LAKEMPER, MICHAEL; GASSNER, GREGOR J.; PARSANI, MATTEO | 2023 |
Nonlinear optical response of α -terpinolene and β -phellandrene chromophores: An octupolar gas-to-solvent enhancement able to retain light conduction. ELSEVIER GMBH, | DOS SANTOS, NEIDY S.S.; FONSECA, SÁVIO; MOURA, ANDRÉ; DA CUNHA, ANTONIO R.; PROVASI, PATRICIO F.; ANDRADE-FILHO, TARCISO; GESTER, RODRIGO | 2023 |
Noise resilient exceptional-point voltmeters enabled by oscillation quenching phenomena. Nature Research | SUNTHARALINGAM, ARUNN; FERNÁNDEZ-ALCÁZAR, LUCAS; KONONCHUK, RODION; KOTTOS, TSAMPIKO | 2023 |
NMR Magnetic Shielding in Transition Metal Compounds Containing Cadmium, Platinum, and Mercury. Magnetochemistry. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | ZAPATA-ESCOBAR, ANDY D.; MALDONADO, ALEJANDRO F.; MENDOZA-CORTES, JOSE L.; AUCAR, GUSTAVO A | 2023 |
Modulation of the NLO properties of p-coumaric acid by the solvent effects and proton dissociation. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV | M. V.A. DAMASCENO; A. R. CUNHAB; P. F. PROVASI; G. I. PAGOLA; M. SIQUEIRA; V. MANZONI; R. GESTER; S. CANUTO | 2023 |
Laboratorio Remoto: Rejillas Periódicas Submicrométricas. Extensionismo, Innovación y Transferencia Tecnológica. Extensionismo, Innovación y Transferencia Tecnológica | ORTIZ, G. P.; ROMERO, R. H.; PONCE, C. A.; TORANZOS, V. J.; RÍOS, L. J | 2023 |
Coordination of Mercury(II) in Water Promoted over Hydrolysis in Solvated Clusters [Hg(H2O)1−6]2+ (aq): Insights from Relativistic Effects and Free Energy Analysis. AMER CHEMICAL SOC | E. FLOREZ; A. D. ZAPATA; F. FERRARO; CÉSAR IBARGÜEN BECERRA; Y. CHAMORRO; A. F. MALDONADO | 2023 |
Cargas de viento sobre módulos fotovoltaicos: Evaluación Experiental. Ingeniería Estructural. Asociación de Ingenieros Estructurales (AIE) | JORGE O. MARIGHETTI; MARIO E. DE BORTOLI; ADRIÁN R. WITTWER; ACIR M. LOREDO-SOUZA | 2023 |
Biotransformation of 1-nitro-2-phenylethane phenylethanol from fungi species of the Amazon biome: an experimental and theoretical analysis. SPRINGER | DOS SANTOS, NEIDY S. S.; FONSECA, SÁVIO; ALMEIDA, FRANCO F.; BELO, EZEQUIEL; SIQUEIRA, MARCELO; DOS SANTOS NICULAU, EDENILSON; SILVA, SEBASTIÃO; SANTOS, DARLISSON A.; PROVASI, PATRICIO F.; ANDRADE-FILHO, TARCISO; GESTER, RODRIGO; CUNHA, ANTONIO R | 2023 |
Assessing the dipolar-octupolar NLO behavior of substituted thiosemicarbazone assemblies. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV | GESTER, RODRIGO; SIQUEIRA, MARCELO; CUNHA, ANTONIO R.; ARAÚJO, RAIANE S.; PROVASI, PATRICIO F.; CANUTO, SYLVIO | 2023 |
A Spatial Kinetic Model of Crowd Evacuation Dynamics with Infectious Disease Contagion. SPRINGER | AGNELLI, JUAN PABLO; BUFFA, BRUNO; KNOPOFF, DAMIÁN; TORRES, GERMÁN | 2023 |
A relativistic relationship between parity-violating nuclear spin-rotation tensors and parity-violating NMR shielding tensors. AMER INST PHYSICS | AUCAR, I. AGUSTÍN; COLOMBO JOFRÉ, MARIANO T.; AUCAR, GUSTAVO A | 2023 |
A Relationship between the Molecular Parity-Violation Energy and the Electronic Chirality Measure. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. American Chemical Society | AUCAR, JUAN J.; STROPPA, ALESSANDRO; AUCAR, GUSTAVO A | 2023 |
The Importance of the Density Functional Theory Exchange Correlation Hartree Fock Term in Magnetic Resonance: Application to an Aqueous Environment. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Washington; 2023 vol. 127 p. 619 – 623. | PROVASI, P. F. ; MODESTO-COSTA, L. ; SAMPAIO, F.; SILVA, T. ; DA CUNHA, A. R.; ANDRADE-FILHO, T. ; GESTER, R. M. | 2023 |
Diseño y construcción de un relevador de curvas I-V para estudio de propiedades eléctricas de sistemas metal-semiconductor-metal | TORANZOS, VICTOR; LUCY ALEJANDRA VALDEZ; ORTIZ GUILLERMO PEDRO | 2023 |
Diseño y construcción de una fuente de tensión y corriente para sintetizar alúmina porosa nanoestructurada | LUCY ALEJANDRA VALDEZ; TORANZOS, VICTOR; ORTIZ GUILLERMO PEDRO | 2023 |
Medir el coeficiente de tensión superficial en casa | D. A. PEDRINI; C. A. MERINO; E. N. BENTZ; P. F. PROVASI | 2023 |
Obtención de alcohol etílico a partir de frutos regionales por fermentación levaduriforme | MAIDANA MARIO MAXIMILIANO | 2023 |
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